AIG - Air Industries Group
AIG stands for Air Industries Group
Here you will find, what does AIG stand for in Aviation under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Air Industries Group? Air Industries Group can be abbreviated as AIG What does AIG stand for? AIG stands for Air Industries Group. What does Air Industries Group mean?The United States based company is located in Hauppauge, New York engaged in airlines/aviation industry.
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Alternative definitions of AIG
- Allah Is God
- Army Initiatives (or Indicator) Group
- American International Group
- Airbus Industries Group
- Address Indicating Group
- American International Group, Inc.
- Asociación de Industriales de Guatemala
- American International Group Inc
View 105 other definitions of AIG on the main acronym page
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- A2CSL A2C Services Ltd
- ALS Ascent Life Sciences
- ABCB Australian Building Codes Board
- ATP Advance Team Partners
- ATI Automation Technologies Inc.
- ALSD Association of Luxury Suite Directors
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